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Privacy Notice

As a mental health professional, I frequently handle sensitive information and make every effort to maintain the highest standards of privacy and confidentiality, including adhering to current HIPAA standards.


If you choose to correspond with me through email, I may retain the content of your email messages together with your email address and my responses. I provide the same protections for these electronic communications that I employ in the maintenance of information received online, mail, and telephone. Note, however, that email communication may be intercepted or misdirected, and as such confidentiality cannot be guaranteed.

I use information collected about clients to provide treatment; to arrange for payment for my services; and for some other business activities called, in the law, “health care operations.” I ask clients to sign a separate consent form (“Practice Policies and Informed Consent”).

There are times when the laws require me to share a client’s information without getting consent. These circumstances are fully described in the unabridged version of my Notice of Privacy Practices, but here are the most common situations:

  1. When there is a serious threat to your or another person’s health or safety to the public. I will share information only with people who are able to help prevent or reduce the danger.

  2. When I am required to do so by lawsuits or other legal or court proceedings.

  3. When a law enforcement official requires me to do so.

  4. For workers’ compensation and some similar programs.

Clients’ Rights

  1. Clients may ask me to communicate with them in a particular way or at a certain place that is more private. For example, clients may ask me to call them at home, rather than at work, to schedule or cancel an appointment. I will try my best to do as asked.

  2. Clients may ask me to limit what I tell people involved in their care or the payment for their care, such as family members and friends.

  3. Clients have the right to look at the health information I have about them, such as their medical chart, case file, and billing records. Clients can get a copy of these records, and I can charge them for it. Clients seeking a copy of their records should talk to me so that we can arrange how they may be seen.

  4. If clients believe that any information in my records is incorrect or missing something important, they can ask me to make additions to the records to correct the situation. Any such request must be submitted in writing to me.

  5. Clients have the right to file a complaint if they believe that their privacy rights have been violated. They may file a complaint with me directly and with the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. All complaints must be in writing. Filing a complaint will not change the health care I provide to them in any way.

  6. Clients have a right to a copy of this notice.

This is a brief version detailing some key privacy practices. A more complete version of my policy is made available to clients at a scheduled intake session. This policy was last updated on 4/20/2021.

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